Saturday, October 7, 2017

Autumn's uprising through my kitchen window

It was halfway up the pine before I caught sight of it.  
 The eternal vine of weediness where  it should not have been 
but we allowed for its coverage
 and its color.

Masked by bough and the neighbors' more cultivated variety 
now spread more beautiful than a painting on their southern wall, 
where the window should be but never was, 
we always said.

The leafy likeness and almost redness betrayed an ulterior rise to prominence. 
  The covered up wall could be more than happy at its blanket,

but living things fight other living ones to survive.

Would I be in time to pull down the creeping encroachment
 while warmer weather lasts?   
Would I bother  if the sun delayed
 and my tardiness
 burdened it
 into winter. 

  Could the pine forgive me ?

Would I pardon myself at pine's end?

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Spring to Summer to Autumn Again

All of nature had a heyday of health with heat
     and happiness (if measured in green...)
Summer trumped the year, satisfied its customers
     and held parties with each blooms budding.

 Pace slows, the late rains begin and aromatic air
     turns dank and misty at its first cool bout.
When the sun returns, the warmth does too,
     but the spiders know their webs are needed now.
The flocks also sense something in the breeze.
The plants hurry their harvest and retreat
     instead of advancing as before.
More becomes few, fresh falls to finish.

Color has the last laugh.   The unneeded unfurl their flushed finale
     and drop to protect the life-giving tree,
     which hoards the rain in deepest root,
     which hardens for the shortened days ahead.
Which day is today.

Friday, April 7, 2017

The Daffodil

The single flower, the daffodil, my Lord's lesson to me of His love.

      The Lent lily is bright against the greening background.   The tulips are the real  stars of our garden, and they are yet  hard and green among the rest.
'Not noticed that single bloom before.'
                        Now in full bloom, it will probably be gone when the tulips' glory days come.
      How like my life the daffodil with its yellow burst of color, one of a kind, loved, for all its loneliness, still it finds a place near Him.   It is loved by my Lord, Whose placement has proven a lesson among the Spring flowers.

                        No need  be amidst the crowd to bless and be blessed. 
            Jesus is Lover of our souls, for His garden we grow to serve His purpose.   
For His pleasure are we planted, and here we produce and propagate others of our kind. 
                      We wave in the breeze and await His good will.

Monday, March 20, 2017

The Ever -- Continuing Heralds of Spring

Chapter 4:  The Buzzers
The scent was there.   Cleaning day was upon us.   We, the fifty-three of the multitude, fanned out to feel the wind and survey the barren leftovers of the life we had abandoned so long ago.   What pitiful emptiness of apocalypse.  Frosty air greeted us greyly.    Every excursion was met with the awful bleak reality.   
But where the scent?   Some food was about, it was up to us to find it.   Too wet yet.   The waiting was extended.  A few white bells, some yellow flowered sticks , we would wait. 
The scent was back, something about to break forth perhaps.   Our group was the lucky one to see the purple stars within the cover of ground forest.   Only a few now but promise of more unopened.   we took the samples home,  we laid them at her feet.   The next passings would bring more.
More and more popped out near the wall of mighty trees.   They had gathered many of the purple stars at their feet.   Great joy was there, our first joy after the apocalypse.   The scent deepened with each passing.

Next passing we set upon our work.   One of the housed ones came seemingly to enjoy the view, poor workless creature.   We kept  apart to guard its presence.   We observed that  its view included us and our task.   Our wings enhanced the place with the joyous buzz of work.   Our workers would gladly share our music with one of another kind.   We provided the swirling movement, purple stars were standing tall  and vibrations of our flight joined the life-giver's warmth and the softening's breeze.   A fine concert we all made of it, the first of the season.   Our program was the first of the classics,  the stories we would tell at home when darkness approached.   New songs and compositions were in the works,  even the housed ones could appreciate them.

Sunday, March 5, 2017

The Heralds of Spring (in their own Voices...)

Chapter One:  Snowdrop

It is so cold, and the kind of wet that goes right through you.   There had been many nights under the stars in company of earth's other wilder things and the strangely lacking blanket of snow that had brought protection more than once to the family.    Not yet, the ice was unyielding.
  But when the rain had done its gentle work a few passings later, the softening, with its loosening work filling empty reservoirs with life-giving trickles of water  had begun in earnest. 
 Old winter had broken down for us the gathered refuse blankets and now the nutrients flowed with the showers.
As heralds, we took heart from the milky sunlight, such as it was;  it was enough for our kind  to begin with, though not only we felt the lengthening of passing.   In the new softness there was room to grow.   Grow we did.   Once broken free, the race began.   The tournament was relentless but position was vital.   Those fortunate few who caught more of the life-giver's attention were always first.    Day by day, leaf by stem and depth of root gave strength.   More showers, more breeze to rock the clods away.    Our little family were in a goodly corner of place, where no traffic or heavy leafage could spoil our upward pursuit.   The little legged ones and crawlies began their work, the sun, wind and rain theirs, and finally revelation.   Now to see and be seen.  Green.   Greener.   The white glory of our being not long afterward opened to the sun. 
 It was a good time, we were many.    It was a blessed time,  many of the housed ones rejoiced in our coming.    The competitors had not yet stolen eyes.   The rejoicing of visitation, the knowing ones seeing and hoping.
Many passings of sun we would know this year.   Strength passed to weakness, the shifting way of things where our glory moved on to others in turn.   Now  white turned green and others  ruled the garden.

Chapter two:  Crocus
The softening had come!   The life-bearing bulbs of life, so carefully placed throughout the park lawn,  had felt the lengthening and tried to jump to life, but timing was all important. 
 Once the softening had prepared our ground and the trickles of warming showers had filled the lack and lightened the weight, we knew it was time to begin.   Then it usually came quickly.  With the showers came little light this time and we got stuck halfway up.   The bulb remembered other such occasions. The stem was pleased but less the  impatient flower.
  Their spurts of thought were not as pleasant to hear that year!   'Why can't I come higher yet?   Why do not the clouds relent?   Where did the life-giver go again?'   'Is it time yet?'   On and on it went, hasty in tone, worried of missing the mark or a shortening of an already brief glory.
The first really warmer day was greeted with our showing, part one.   Being rather reserved, the sun had more convincing to do before we could bask in our best.   Then finally the next passings proved true and we opened up to know all the admiration of the  housed town.   They knew our yellow and white and violet and came to enjoy our glorious rising.  Complete at long last!  Now the clouds could not harm us, their work only served to lengthen our time.   Cool evenings and showers drew out  further rising still.  Only some elder bulbs knew the height was beyond our previous performances.    Passings came and went.    The gardeners and the visitors turned their attention elsewhere.    Only insignificant leaf could remain and only incognito.   The bulb remembered the height and soon was lost to the rocking.

Chapter Three:  The Softening 2
We come with no bloom, we the makers of upward mobility.   Our tools are the impatient nature of wind, rain, snow, creeping roots and creatures of all sort.   We are the committee of varying tasks, we the drivers  accomplishing one end.    Without  our wind and rain, the tree bark would hold its shield still, hardened against icy blasts, and too hard to give growth to stem and leaf.   Without seed and insect, rain and wind, the soils in all their peculiarity would not break loose from snow's grip to allow us  in.   But  rain in softest showers over days coaxes the bitter  earth to hear spring's calling forth.
Finding space at last, bulb and seed  then crack open as the soil  had relented before them and releases the life within.   Growth begins, heat is released, and then burrowing , plunging,  groping--- plant life begins  its search for light.   Those other unseen paler forms, the workers of unheralded force poke and root their way down, down….  while all else turns upward and outward.    It is their hidden work,  their holy agenda.
Light,  our life-giving,  heat-bearing  hope just around the week's turn, awaited all.   Our noblest member,  He often reminds  the ancient ones of seasons past and restored hope in spring's future.  He bears only a sheer shadow of himself, His glory not yet full.    The duet of sun and shower revives them all.   Trees,  their brittle bark split to free the bud and join the mighty chorus,  soil shifted to permit the stem, each breeze, the gardeners labor, the critters' toil – all do their share to make the softening's symphony ring out.    The conductor at long last steps forward for the Rites of Spring….

The other softeners are pushed back from the song, but they preside with time, when time does its work .   The queue of plant and animal life to be taken away, the mound of it unthinkable but demanding its day.   The millers of decay churning onwards to bring nutrients and softness to the soil.   Yes, they have their day, the worm and the warmth, they serve us all in kind.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

The Softening

The Softening 1

The softened soil drinks in the rain
     Those shoots struggling below the soil's imprisoning surface
         sharpen their stems and pierce their way through.

It began inconspicuously as cloudy gray rainy days
When ice gave way with the first cracking of the hardness....
      that trickle slid within and greeted the seeds and bulbs
               It seeped to the thirsty roots, lower still
                     to the great tree roots of generations.

Hard seed shells soften and split with the pressure of exploding life.
     Bulbs send out first the root, then the stem
          So it goes on
              all unseen in the heart of the earth.

As the heart of man dwells in darkness too,
   The softening comes as well to you.
In the desperate winter of soul
   it seeks out the life-giving flow
            and sends out trembling tendrils
                   which want to know
If  late Winter's rain means Joy or Woe.

Hopeful hearts look to May's floral array,
   Healing hearts to better April,
Hurting hearts hide still from March
        and see only the dismal drenching
              despite their parched hearts
         until they break through the hurt and probe the earth
              and welcome in the new found flow of life.

YOU work on hearts and soften as well
   as Dear Spirit's call waters with Word
You refresh all and call forth to life
   all can respond but the hardest of heart.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

February's transition

February.... every day just a bit longer, sometimes warmer, or not.   It has always done that.  Those milky so-called sunny days as often as not turn into a snowstorm.   It thinks about Spring but changes its mind.
          My transition comes too.
 Indecision clouds the day, longing warms the ground until freezing fears chase all indoors to forget once more, and to wait for more signs of change.

Faith waits too in the transition from want to walk.  It accepts the pace prepared by a much wiser loving Lord who knows our slowness to move out at the faint prompting.

We need the fickle February as much as the earth.   The rest, the consideration of all that marches next  needs make soul space  for faith's growth.

Growth happens silently in the covered  places
Growth transforms unseen over days and weeks of transition.

When the Lord takes hold at last,
      it flowers forth to complete life  at His touch.

Sunday, February 5, 2017


Even a rushing mountain stream can slow
when the winters' ice and snow
hamper what progress there was to make
and change the course the  waters take.

We sometimes freeze at cold environ
Unfree to flow and spend ourselves
on worthier tasks awaiting downstream.

Warm me, Lord,
awake this heart's trickle.
Your glow within melts even the hardest heart-cicles.


Snow does not stand a chance when the earth is too warm.
Snow cannot be formed if the air is too warm.

God does not remain when we feel warmed by our own complacency,
        or other directions of  passion.
God cannot be found within  hardened hearts,  in any environ.

Snow darkens over time as ground, foot and air pollute.
Snow can only be lightened  when renewed ....

Our God sees the soiled souls we wear on our shoulder.
And yet nears His presence at the chipping of cracks,
     and our hammered cries of repentence.

Then the flakes are free to fall and cover the gray
    and soften the stony brokeness
Till the melting of all and the bloom of rebirth.

So it goes, year after year, time and again
    You heal and forgive....

Work into me, Lord,  the softening Spring,
    so the life which becomes visible
      is  both You and me.....

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Mountains and You....

Mountains in winter, or any time for that matter,  are a beautiful place to spend time.  
 We go to be close to nature.   Somehow they draw the stress from our heart as it pumps  harder to get our feet to move higher.

The place of refuge-- it has been safety from the enemies for centuries.
 The Rock that is higher, the fortress, all pictures of security, of rest.

Majesty when viewed from afar, so much higher, seemingly ageless.
Streams bursting forth from the depth to gather and flow to the valleys below.

Caution needs to be  taken when travelled through,  for at any time could be
                  storms lashing, lightning or the trap of fog or snow.
A trap for the unexperienced or unwise.

You created that grandeur, it still calls to our heart and satisfies an inner need.
You are much like that mountain when overwhelming load gathers to my soul,
       I feel as if walking  with the it uphill.
Then I walk with You through fragrant forests in those hills,  I find delight to my senses and heart.
Somewhere along the trail my burdens start dropping off to join last years leafy litter.

You are the cleft of the rock, the place to hide when in need of safety.

You are even more timeless than those stacks of stones.  Even the mountains may quake
   but you are a surer foundation, supporting us when seeking  heaven indeed.
You are to be feared, for unless we are the 'wise', having accepted the need for preparation,
     Your preparation, of Your making,, for the  journey You have given,
We cannot hope to complete the trek.

You, in winter of soul, or any time for that matter, are the most beautiful Person to spend life with.

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Do you really know snow?

Let's turn our attention to snow, that blanket of crystals gracing our lives in winter.  It can be much more that frozen water crystal, can't it.

       No one likes city snow, well none but the children who have their sleds, snowballs and snowmen; but ask any adult and you get the inevitible chaos of walking and driving in slush, cleaning windscreens from their morning frosting and all those layers of clothing to take on and off....and cold messiness to life.

       We have looked at snow through different eyes, we older folk and the young ones.   Let's look at it another way......  Perhaps  a whiter viewpoint that the Lord of the Bible suggests.....  

       So have a look at the page named White as  Snow....

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Winter anyone?

Winter was never my favourite season.   It still isn't.   My husband on the other hand has always loved it and is forever trying to get me out to walk in it.    For that I will be ever thankful to him.   Have a look at the Winter page and share what winter is for you and how it reveals the God of the Bible.

For me it is a time of rest for nature.   Untold things are going on where we cannot see them, deep in the soil, regeneration, and much more.   We'll start in on those next time.

Does Anyone Have an Excuse not to Believe in the God of the Bible?

The Bible answers an emphatic no.  God has revealed what He is like in and through His creation.    Every person, therefore, either accepts or rejects God....

               ... and so it was this fragment from Romans 1:18-20 sets up the way to learn about God that everyone has been given.

   That got me thinking of the many parables that Jesus Himself used to explain real spiritual principles in human levels of our understanding.
   So, let's explore them together through writing, art and all manner of our creative outpourings to make Him more visible to a skeptical world, and adore Him by contemplating all things He has revealed about Himself through the natural world around us.    Of course  they are many!
    I invite you to read my thoughts and post your own here with me through your comments and own ideas under the heading given so we can concentrate and home in on related topics together...
    As a beginner blogger, I've got a lot to learn how to do this.   But, I have learned so much about the LORD that I simply must share in my work.

5 am?

5 am? What does such a horrendous hour have to do with me? Blackbirds!   Loads of blackbirds! Wake up and find out...... It's magic...