Sunday, March 25, 2018

5 am?

5 am?

What does such a horrendous hour have to do with me?
Blackbirds!   Loads of blackbirds!

Wake up and find out...... It's magical and free (except for a bit of shut-eye!)

Saturday, March 17, 2018

And I hate running! Or not?

Now we know she does not run.... getting her out to walk is a problem, even
with the dog.
But here is a  faith story and the Other running 'long side!

More Writing!

Competition entered.... learning, learning!

What does the mysterious queen have to do with writing?   Check the link
below and support me with claps for the March competition.

5 am?

5 am? What does such a horrendous hour have to do with me? Blackbirds!   Loads of blackbirds! Wake up and find out...... It's magic...