Thursday, February 2, 2017

Mountains and You....

Mountains in winter, or any time for that matter,  are a beautiful place to spend time.  
 We go to be close to nature.   Somehow they draw the stress from our heart as it pumps  harder to get our feet to move higher.

The place of refuge-- it has been safety from the enemies for centuries.
 The Rock that is higher, the fortress, all pictures of security, of rest.

Majesty when viewed from afar, so much higher, seemingly ageless.
Streams bursting forth from the depth to gather and flow to the valleys below.

Caution needs to be  taken when travelled through,  for at any time could be
                  storms lashing, lightning or the trap of fog or snow.
A trap for the unexperienced or unwise.

You created that grandeur, it still calls to our heart and satisfies an inner need.
You are much like that mountain when overwhelming load gathers to my soul,
       I feel as if walking  with the it uphill.
Then I walk with You through fragrant forests in those hills,  I find delight to my senses and heart.
Somewhere along the trail my burdens start dropping off to join last years leafy litter.

You are the cleft of the rock, the place to hide when in need of safety.

You are even more timeless than those stacks of stones.  Even the mountains may quake
   but you are a surer foundation, supporting us when seeking  heaven indeed.
You are to be feared, for unless we are the 'wise', having accepted the need for preparation,
     Your preparation, of Your making,, for the  journey You have given,
We cannot hope to complete the trek.

You, in winter of soul, or any time for that matter, are the most beautiful Person to spend life with.

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5 am?

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